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Kenya - Giritu Sugar Project (EPC) 

100,000 acre, 5,000 TCD integrated sugar project including nucleus estate, mill, co-gen & ethanol plant.


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Ivory Coast - PPP

2,500 acres Pilot farm, Technical Assistance PPP Contract For The Creation & Operation of Agricultural Farms 


Kenya - Nzoia Sugar 

Pilot factory effluent  irrigation systems design & installation  


Kenya - Twiga Foods

Turn - key green field development - 5,000 acre local market fully mechanised vegetable production irrigated nucleus farm 

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Kenya - Naivasha Ndabibi Farm

500-acre Center Pivot irrigation system design & installation.



Kenya - Kisima Farm

Technology filed trialAutomated arial Drone crop monitoring & pesticide spraying 


Agri infrastructure Development Projects


Ethiopia Integrated Fodder & Livestock 8,500ha

Kenya - Various irrigation projects 3,000ha

Kenya - Twiga Foods - Outgrower development - 5,000ha

Kenya - Galana Kulalu Model Farm Project -2,000ha

South Africa - Greenhouse projects - 1,200ha

Ukraine - Center Pivot Irrigation - 1,000ha

Australia - Center Pivot Irrigation System -  800ha

New Zealand - Center Pivot Irrigation System - 500ha 

Mongolia - Center Pivot Irrigation System - 7,000ha

Saudi Arabia - Center Pivot Irrigation System  - 1,000ha


Panda Flowers: Naivasha, Kenya, Design and install 53 Ha drip irrigation and fertigation for greenhouses on FBP.


Linssen Roses: : Naivasha, Kenya: Design and install 20 Ha Drip irrigation and fertigation for greenhouses on FBP.


Rouge (k) Ltd: : Naivasha, Kenya, 25ha Design supply and install drip and micro irrigation system for outdoor flowers and vegetables.


Flower Business Park: Naivasha, Kenya, Turnkey Project Design & Management. The Park had a total of 215 Ha of Rose production for export to Europe, largest rose farm in the world 


Agri Value Chain Development Projects


World Bank Group /IFC/East African Small-holder Irrigation Project (ESIP ) , Nairobi, Kenya.

Key Achievements


East African Small-holder Irrigation Project (ESIP ) Irrigation project management, performance evaluation. Client farms irrigation system technical audit and performance evaluation. Irrigation system component design evaluation i.e. Dam design, water conveyance, water pumping, energy sources, etc. Irrigation equipment standards and specifications document.

World Bank Group/IFC/Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund (KKCF), Nairobi, Kenya


Key Achievements:


The planned expansion of both the Kakuma and Kalobeye irrigation schemes to support the production of 6,000 tons of raw peanuts per annum to supply raw material for an IFC client. The objective of the assessment:


Conduct a comprehensive water situation analysis to support the planned production.


Provide practical recommendations and actionable steps on how to navigate legal and regulatory environments for commercial water access.


Compile existing hydrological and other water studies on the Kakuma and Kalobeyei area


Assess the legal and regulatory environment for commercial water usage


Provide specific recommendations on options available for IFC in terms of water availability, access, quality, and cost.





Key Achievements:


Advisory support: Nestlé Nespresso's Reviving Origin program in selected origin countries, including Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Mozambique. The mission objective was to define the scope of a US$2.4 million technical assistance program and other interventions to be provided to eligible farmers and cooperatives that are part of the program.


Provision of technical support to farmers


Support on the renovation of coffee plantations Requirements for establishing coffee nurseries

Development of knowledge and capacities on agroecological farming practices e.g climate-smart agriculture)

Addressing key social challenges on a community level with a particular focus on gender

Guidance in the establishment of cooperatives

Establish the feasibility of establishing coffee wet mill infrastructure



World Bank Group /IFC/ Rwanda - IFC and IFAD partnership, Nairobi, Kenya



Key Achievements:


Evaluation of irrigation scheme project designs


Developing financing models for small-scale farmers' investment in in-field irrigation systems for Ndego irrigation scheme;

Designing and providing small-scale farmers with investment products for 10 to 20 ha-bloc through commercial financial institutions or equipment providers for Ndego irrigation scheme. Developing financing models for medium- and large-scale irrigation investments for KIIWP. Financial analysis KIIWP project design and the feasibility study



World Bank Group /IFC/Sucriere Des Mascareignes/Transmara/TPC, Nairobi, Kenya.​


Key Achievements:


Advisory engagement - Concept note draft


Proposed $33 million/ 8-year investment by the IFC Transmara Sugar Company Limited in Kenya and Tanganyika Planting Company Limited (TPC), in Tanzania. Provided support to the client operations in TPC and Transmara in achieving operational global best practices, the expansion of crop area, improvement of recovery and yields as well as improving climate resilience and agronomic efficiencies.


The project supported the client in achieving the following specific objectives:


Transmara: Secure raw material supply by increasing crop coverage from the current 3,800ha to the projected 22,000ha in three years by developing a management framework to improve out-grower farmer recruitment, administration, long-term loyalty and contractual compliance.


Transmara: Improve out-grower farm climate change/shock resilience by adopting and implementing the climate-smart agronomic system, increase yields by 30% from the current 55t/ha average to 75t/ha and improve sucrose recovery by 0.5%.


Transmara/TCP: Design and implement a Project knowledge management system.


TPC: Implement global best practices and achieve global sustainability standards by setting the sugar mill on a path toward getting certified under the Bonsucro Standard.


TPC: Build a business case for the client to adopt good agricultural and agri-water practices and transition the entire 8,000-ha estate under this regime.



A, 104, Plaza, 2000

Mombasa Road,


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 48B, Oda Crescent

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South Africa


Nelson Mandela Square  

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Sandton - Johannesburg



 155 Semawata road

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